Due to COVID-19 airport restrictions, the Functional Disulfides in Health and Disease 2021 meeting will be conducted in virtual format.

The program of the virtual conference will run according to the listed times (in Israel), but participants can view the recorded talks at their convenience following the initial presentation. A live discussion will be held at the end of each session, during which questions and comments can be submitted by chat and will be read out by the moderator. The chat for each talk will remain open for the rest of the meeting, such that the audience and speakers can continue to interact at times convenient for them


Please register via our registration page. Registered participants will receive a link to the virtual conference hall closer to the time of the meeting.

The “Functional Disulfides in Health and Disease” meeting brings together investigators from diverse fields united by a common interest in understanding and exploiting disulfide redox switches in proteins. Disulfide switches help control many physiological processes including:

  • enzyme regulation
  • signaling
  • protein folding
  • extracellular matrix assembly
  • amyloid formation
  • inflammation
  • viral infection
  • hemostasis/thrombosis
  • vascular remodeling
  • viral infection
  • bacterial virulence
  • lung/intestinal mucus production

Presentations will cover a broad scope, ranging from quantum-chemical perspectives on the interactions of disulfide bonds with neighboring regions in proteins to the targeting of disulfide switches for novel therapeutics. Vital functional roles for redox-active cysteines and disulfides in cellular and extracellular processes will be covered on the molecular, cell biological, and organismal levels.

Important deadlines:

Registration deadline: June 1st, 2021

Organizing committee

Deborah Fass
Weizmann Institute of Science

Francisco Rafael Martins Laurindo
University of Sao Paolo

David Essex
Temple University


The Chorafas Institute for
Scientific Exchange

Conference Coordinator

Talia Suissa
