FRISNO-15 will be held in Centre Paul-Langevin, amidst the village of Aussois. For more details see on Centre Paul-Langevin website
There are several ways to reach the Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois by collective transportation:
- From Paris, TGV train to Turin stop in Modane (~ 4h40 travel time). Aussois is 15 mn bus or taxi driving from Modane. On Sunday 24 and Friday 29 shuttle buses will ensure Modane-Aussois and Aussois-Modane connexion synchronously with trains arrival or departure times.
- From Turin, TGV train to Paris, stop in Modane. Buses or taxis are available from Modane.
- From Geneva. Most israeli attendants will arrive there on Sunday 24 afternoon. A bus will leave from Geneva Airport (Swiss exit) to Aussois at 18:00 and will be signaled to FRISNO participants.
Arrival in Centre Paul Langevin is expected around 20:30.
On Friday 29, the bus will leave from Centre Paul Langevin to Geneva Airport at 13:30 with approximate arrival time around 16:00.
For both transfers, please do not forget to register as the driver requires an up-to-date passenger list especially at swiss border crossing.
A buffet dinner will be served at arrival until 22:00.