
FRISNO-15 will be held in Centre Paul-Langevin, amidst the village of Aussois. For more details see on Centre Paul-Langevin website

There are several ways to reach the Centre Paul Langevin in Aussois by collective transportation:

  1. From Paris, TGV train to Turin stop in Modane (~ 4h40 travel time). Aussois is 15 mn bus or taxi driving from Modane. On Sunday 24 and Friday 29 shuttle buses will ensure Modane-Aussois and Aussois-Modane connexion synchronously with trains arrival or departure times.
  2. From Turin, TGV train to Paris, stop in Modane. Buses or taxis are available from Modane.
  3. From Geneva. Most israeli attendants will arrive there on Sunday 24 afternoon. A bus will leave from Geneva Airport (Swiss exit) to Aussois at 18:00 and will be signaled to FRISNO participants.

Arrival in Centre Paul Langevin is expected around 20:30.

On Friday 29, the bus will leave from Centre Paul Langevin to Geneva Airport at 13:30 with approximate arrival time around 16:00.

For both transfers, please do not forget to register as the driver requires an up-to-date passenger list especially at swiss border crossing.

A buffet dinner will be served at arrival until 22:00.


Abstract submission:
January 10 ,2019