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Sunday March 24, 2019

16:00 - 24:00 Arrival and check-in 19:00 – 21:00 Dinner buffet

Monday March 25, 2019

8:30 Opening Remarks: Robert Kuszelewicz

Session Mon-A: High intensity optics Chair: Robert Kuszelewicz

8:50 Jean-Pierre Wolf (invited) High Intensity Laser Filaments and Applications to Atmospheric Science

9:30 Omri Gat Cnoidal waves for accessible high power and wide-band microresonator frequency combs

10:00 Daniel Bloch et al. Experimental test of the distribution of atomic trajectories at grazing incidence in a micrometric thin vapour cell

10:30 Coffee Break

Session Mon-B: High resolution imaging Chair: Yehiam Prior

11:00 Hervé Rigneault Compressive Raman Imaging

11:30 Uri Rossman Super-resolution enhancement by quantum image scanning microscopy

12:00 Marc Guillon et al. speckle patterns for 3D super-resolution microscopy and wavefront sensing

12:30 Lunch and Afternoon break

Session Mon-C: Optics in complex media Chair: Marc Guillon

17:50 Sylvain Gigan (invited) A sneak peek with light into opaque materials

18:30 Patrick Sebbah Control of Light in Scattering Media by Gain and Loss

19:00 End of Session

19:30 Dinner

20:30 Poster session Mon-P

Tuesday March 26, 2019

Session Tue-A: Ultra short pulses Chair: Benoît Boulanger

9:00 Nirit Dudovich (invited) Attosecond Interferometry

9:40 Wenbin Zhang et al. Dissociative Frustrated Double Ionization of Molecules in Strong Laser fields

10:10 Sharly Fleischer Echo Spectroscopy in Multi-level Quantum-Mechanical Rotors

10:40 Coffee Break

Session Tue-B: Control and measurement of light Chair: H. Rigneault

11:00 Gregory Gredat Improvement of the stabilization loops performances of a DF–VECSEL dedicated to cesium CPT clocks application by fully–correlated multi–mode pumping

11:30 Eran Lustig Photonic topological insulator in synthetic dimensions

12:00 Moti Fridman Temporal measurement of the entire electric field of ultrafast signals

12:30 Lunch and Afternoon break

13:30 - 17:30: Excursion

Session Tue-C: Theoretical optics Chair: Omri Gat

18:00 Eli Pollak Consequences of time averaging of weak values

18:30 Ady Arie The optical Stern-Gerlach effect

19:00 End of Session

19:30 Dinner

20:30 Poster session Tue-P

Wednesday March 27, 2019

Session Wed-A : Quantum optics I Chair: Christophe Finot

9:00 Ofer Firstenberg et al. Room-temperature quantum memories from nanoseconds to hours

9:30 Jeremy Raskop et al. Quantum optics with waveguide-coupled atomic ensembles

10:00 Pascal Neveu et al. Coherent Population Oscillations–Based Light Storage

10:30 Coffee Break

Session Wed-B : Nonlinear dynamical systems Chair: Eli Pollack

10:50 German de Valcarcel (invited) From nonlinear to quantum in multimode optical cavities

11:30 Jorge Tredicce et al. Predicting bifurcations and extreme events in optical systems

12:00 Boris A. Malomed Nonlinear dissipative photonics with spin-orbit coupling

12:30 Lunch and Afternoon break

Session Wed-C: Molecular and organic materials Chair: Joseph Zyss

17:50 Tal Schwartz Strong Coupling of Light with Collective THz Vibrations in Organic materials

18:30 Ilya Tutunnikov Chiral Molecules in Laser Fields with twisted polarization

19:00 End of Session

19:30 Conference Dinner

Thursday March 28, 2019

Session Thu-A: Fiber Optics Chair: Moti Fridman

9:00 Katarzyna Krupa (invited) Nonlinear dynamics in multimode fibers

9:40 Christophe Finot et al. Self-phase modulation patterns in optical fibres

10:10 Rafi Weill Thermalization and Bose-Einstein condensation of photons in everyday fibres

10:40 Coffee Break

Session Thu-B: Plasmonics and metamaterials Chair: Adi Salomon

11:00 Andrea Bragas (invited) Hypersonic surface wave generation and detection using single plasmonic nanoantennas

11:40 Martti Kauranen (invited) Resonances and local fields of nonlinear metasurfaces

12:20 Giuseppe Leo et al. Second harmonic generation from semiconductor metasurfaces

12:50 Lunch and Afternoon break

Session Thu-C: Plasmonics and metamaterials II Chair: Y. Band

18:00 Adi Salomon et al. Generating ‘Hot-Spots’ on Smooth Metallic Surfaces and their Characterization by SHG and Cathodoluminescence

18:30 Mathieu Chauvet et al. Experimental demonstration of plasmon-soliton coupling

19:00 End of Session

19:30 Dinner

Friday, March 29, 2019

Session Fri-A: Biophotonics Chair: Dan Oron

9:00 Martin Oheim et al. Fast, multicolor 3-D tissue imaging with a single-objective two-photon virtual lightsheet microscope

9:40 Dimitrii Tanese et al. Light patterning for two-photon multicell targeting: Multispot generation and light induced heating

10:10 Nicolo Accanto et al. Multiplexed temporally focused light shaping for precise in-depth optogenetic stimulation

10:40 Coffee Break

Session Fri-B: Quantum optics II Chair: Ofer Firstenberg

11:00 Jing Jietai (invited) Multipartite entanglement and correlation from cascaded four-wave mixing processes in hot atomic vapor

11:30 Yaron Bromberg et al. Generation of entangled photons with tailored correlations for quantum wavefront shaping

12:00 Dmitry Yankelev et al. Quadrature phase detection in atom interferometry

12:30 Concluding remarks : Dan Oron

12:40 Lunch

13:30 Departure



Abstract submission:
January 10 ,2019