
  • The International Society for Transgenic Technologies (ISTT, Inc.) is delighted to announce that the 13th ISTT Prize will be awarded to Dr. Alexandra Joyner for her pioneering work on homologous recombination in embryonic stem cells.

    For more information about the prize and Dr. Joyner contribution to the field

  • Hiromi Miura PhD Announced as the 7th ISTT Young Investigator Awardee

    7th ISTT Young Investigator Award: Hiromi Miura, PhD

    This activity is supported by an independent medical education grant from Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

    The International Society for Transgenic Technologies (ISTT) is pleased to announce the awardee for the 7th ISTT Young Investigator Award. The ISTT created the Young Investigator Award to identify and recognize young scientists who will keep the field of transgenic technologies vibrant with new ideas and innovative research. After careful evaluation of the nominated candidates, the Award Evaluation Committee unanimously selected Dr. Hiromi Miura, an Assistant Professor in the department of Molecular Life Science, Division of Basic Medical Science and Molecular Medicine, Tokai University School of Medicine, Japan.

Coordinator & Accessibility Issues

Inbal Azoulay