We are happy to invite you to the FIFTH Israeli Plant Ecology Conference.
The conference will take place in The Weizmann Institute of Science on February 10-11, 2020. The conference will include a few invited talks of keynote speakers, contributed oral presentations and poster session. We especially encourage students to present their current research to the community.
The goal of the conference is to create a friendly, non-formal environment that encourages fruitful discussions. Therefore, in addition to presentations of recent research findings in all fields of plant ecology, we especially encourage presentations that are likely to generate discussions and debates (e.g. novel ideas, literature synthesis).
Registration deadline
February 1, 2020
Abstract submission deadline
December 22, 2019
Organizing committee
- Tamir Klein
- Weizmann Institute of Science
- Hagai Shemesh
Tel Hai College - Itamar Giladi
Ben Gurion University - Yuval Sapir
Tel Aviv University - Merav Seifan
Ben Gurion University -
- The Chorafas Institute for Scientific Exchange
For more information
and accessibility issues please contact
Talia Suissa