The Leonardo Rehovot Hotel (2 Oppenheimer Street, Rehovot), located 8 minutes by foot from the meeting venue.

Additional accommodation can be found in Tel-Aviv, about 30 min ride (by train or taxi) from Rehovot. see additional information: 
Accommodation  in Tel-Aviv


  • The Chorafas Institute for Scientific Exchange
  • International Institute of Jewish Genealogy
  • The Braginsky Center for the Interface between the Sciences and the Humanitie


Daniel H. Wagner | WIS, Chair

Neville Lamdan | IIJG, Co-Chair


Daniel H. Wagner | WIS, Israel

Taly Loebinger | WIS, Israel

Scientific Committee

Daniel H. Wagner | WIS, Chair

Neville Lamdan | IIJG, Co-Chair

Arnon Hershkovitz | TAU, Israel

Karl Skorecki | Rambam Health Care Campus, Israel

Sallyann Sack | IIJG, US

Sergio DellaPergola | HUJI, Israel

Jean-Pierre Stroweis | IIJG, Israel

Conference Coordinator & Accessibility Issues

Inbal Azoulay

+972 89344510