The symposium will be held at The David Lopatie Conference Centre, on the campus of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Rehovot is located in the center of the country, ca. 20 km south of Tel Aviv.
The symposium will be held at The David Lopatie Conference Centre, on the campus of the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
Rehovot is located in the center of the country, ca. 20 km south of Tel Aviv.
Daniel H. Wagner | WIS, Chair
Neville Lamdan | IIJG, Co-Chair
Daniel H. Wagner | WIS, Israel
Taly Loebinger | WIS, Israel
Daniel H. Wagner | WIS, Chair
Neville Lamdan | IIJG, Co-Chair
Arnon Hershkovitz | TAU, Israel
Karl Skorecki | Rambam Health Care Campus, Israel
Sallyann Sack | IIJG, US
Sergio DellaPergola | HUJI, Israel
Jean-Pierre Stroweis | IIJG, Israel
Inbal Azoulay
+972 89344510