EPS conference (EPScon) 2022 will include a series of student oral presentations, as well as a poster session. We encourage graduate students and post-docs to present their current, original research. Undergraduate students are welcome to attend.
The official language of the conference is English.
There is no registration fee.
EPScon aims at a diverse crowd of participants from the Earth and Planetary Sciences field, with prior backgrounds in physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and more.
In accordance to that, your presentation should include proper background for people outside of your specific research field, to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose of the study. This is followed by the methodology, results, discussion and conclusion. An introductory and concluding slide can greatly improve the focus of your lecture.
Oral presentations are allotted 15 minutes for the presentation and 5 minutes for discussion and changeover time. Be considerate of the other speakers and the audience by staying within your timeslot.
Presentation format
Please bring your presentation as a .ppt or .pdf file on a USB stick. The computer for the presentations will be available in the morning to upload your files, please make sure that your presentation is ready before your session begins.
The auditorium will be equipped with a standard computer projector. We recommend using the 16:9 ratio.
The poster presentation must cover the same material as reported in the abstract. Include the background of your research to acquaint the audience with the nature and purpose of the study. This is followed by the methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.
Mount your poster in the morning after you register and remove your poster after the last lecture series. We will supply adhesive tapes in order to hang the poster on the boards. Posters remaining after the designated hours will be removed by the organizing committee. The organizing committee will not be responsible for posters and materials left on poster boards after the conference. Additional information and ideas on how to build your poster can be found in the following link: https://www.makesigns.com/SciPosters_Templates.aspx
You are required to be present at your board during your scheduled poster presentation session to your fellow researchers.
Maximal poster size is 90X120 centimeters width over height
(Adopted from the American Geophysical Union AGU conference website)
For abstract submission instructions, go to Registration.