International Participants
- Fernando Alday, Oxford, UK
- Roberto Auzzi, Brescia U. & INFN Perugia, Italy
- Christopher Beem, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
- Andrea Cappelli, INFN, Italy
- Simon Caron-Huot, Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark
- Miguel Costa, Porto, Portugal
- Anatoly Dymarsky, Skoltech, Russia
- Sheer El-Showk, CERN, Switzerland and Jussieu, France.
- Liam Fitzpatrick, Stanford University, USA
- Krzysztof Gawedzki, ENS de Lyon, France
- Ferdinando Gliozzi, Torino, Italy
- Simeon Hellerman, IPMU, Japan
- Matthijs Hogervorst, CERN, Switzerland
- Jared Kaplan, John Hopkins, USA
- Ami Katz, Boston University, USA
- Christoph Keller, Rutgers University, USA
- Zuhair Khandker, Boston University, USA
- Igor Klebanov, Princeton University, USA
- Gregory Korchemsky, Saclay, France
- Flip Kos, Yale, USA
- Pedro Liendo, Stony Brook University, USA
- Markus Luty, UCD, USA
- Dalimil Mazac, Perimeter Institute, Canada
- Giuseppe Mussardo, SISSA, Italy
- Yu Nakayama, Caltech, USA
- Miguel Paulos, Brown University, USA
- Joao Penedones, Centro de Fisica do Porto, Portugal
- Joshua Qualls, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
- Leonardo Rastelli, Stony Brook University, USA
- Riccardo Rattazzi, EPFL, Switzerland
- Balt van Rees, CERN, Switzerland
- Slava Rychkov, CERN, Switzerland
- Marco Serone, SISSA, Italy
- David Simmons Duffin, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA
- Bruno Lima de Souza, SISSA, Italy
- Andy Stergiou, Yale University, USA
- Gabor Takacs, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
- Emilio Trevisani, Centro de Fisica do Porto, Portugal
- Alessandro Vichi, CERN, Switzerland
- Pedro Vieira, Perimeter Institute, Canada
- Matthew Walters , Boston University, USA
- Ran Yacoby, Princeton University, USA
- Alexander Zhiboedov, Harvard University, USA