Print Full programTime | Session/Lecture info |
15:00-18:00 | Arrival at Weizmann Institute and Registration
15:00-18:00 | |
18:00-19:30 | Opening Session
18:00-18:10 |
Einat Zalckvar
18:10-18:30 |
Ralf Erdmann
18:30-19:30 |
John Aitchison
Keynote Lecture: Harnessing systems cell biology to study peroxisomes
19:30-21:00 | Welcome Dinner
19:30-21:00 | |
21:00-22:00 | Scientific mixer with refreshments
21:00-22:00 |
Time | Session/Lecture info |
09:30-11:00 | Session 1: Peroxisome biogenesis #1
09:30-09:55 |
Ida van der Klei
Peroxisomal membrane biogenesis in yeast
09:55-10:20 |
Ewald Hettema
Multiplication of peroxisomes
10:20-10:45 |
Heidi McBride
The mitochondrial origin of peroxisomal biogenesis
10:45-11:00 |
Katja Hansen
Djp1- a cytosolic Dnaj protein critical for peroxisomal and mitochondrial protein biogenesis
11:00-11:45 | Coffee Break
11:00-11:45 | |
11:45-13:25 | Session 2: Peroxisome biogenesis #2
11:45-12:10 |
Yukio Fujiki
Homeostasis of peroxisome biogenesis and functions
12:10-12:35 |
Michael Sattler
Structural biology and dynamics in peroxisomal biogenesis
12:35-13:00 |
Jeffrey Gerst
A role for mRNA trafficking in peroxisome biogenesis and function
13:00-13:25 |
Hans Waterham
Peroxisomal disorders: novel genotypes, novel phenotypes
13:25-15:00 | Lunch and posters
13:25-15:00 | |
15:00-17:00 | Tour of the Weizmann visitor center, Weizmann house and additional historical sites on campus
15:00-17:00 | |
17:00-17:30 | Coffee break
17:00-17:30 | |
17:30-19:35 | Session 3: Peroxisomal protein import and export
17:30-17:55 |
Ralf Erdmann
Protein Import into Peroxisomes
17:55-18:20 |
Matthias Wilmanns
Towards structural insights into the complete peroxisomal translocon
18:20-18:45 |
Gabriele Dodt
Peroxisomal protein import of membrane proteins into and the export of PEX5 out of the peroxisome
18:45-19:10 |
Gregory Jedd
Hydrophobic handoff for direct delivery of peroxisome tail anchored proteins
19:10-19:35 |
Dan Tawfik
The evolutionary divergence of sublocalization - the peroxisomal isocitrate dehydrogenase model
19:35-20:30 | Dinner
19:35-20:30 |
Time | Session/Lecture info |
08:30-14:30 | A tour to Ein Karem (including lunch)
08:30-14:30 | |
14:30-15:00 | Coffee Break
14:30-15:00 |
Coffee Break
15:00-16:30 | Session 4: Peroxisome dynamics (inheritance, pexophagy and regulation of number and size)
15:00-15:25 |
Richard Rachubinski
Linking de novo peroxisome biogenesis to peroxisome inheritance
15:25-15:50 |
Suresh Subramani
Pexophagy as a model for understanding mechanisms of selective autophagy
15:50-16:15 |
Michael Schrader
Shaping peroxisomes in mammalian cells
16:15-16:30 |
Ines Castro
Miro1 regulates microtubule-dependent motility of peroxisomes in mammalian cells
16:30-17:10 | Coffee break
16:30-17:10 | |
17:10-18:40 | Session 5: Exploring peroxisomes functions
17:10-17:25 |
Wolfgang Schliebs
Novel import pathways for peroxisomal matrix enzymes of baker?s yeast
17:25-17:40 |
Markus Kunze
PEX7 and PEX5 form a bipartite receptor rendering PTS2 selection more sensitive
17:40-17:55 |
Chris Williams
Mapping the PMP export pathway of peroxisomes
17:55-18:10 |
Leonidas Emmanouilidis
Allosteric modulation of peroxisomal membrane protein binding by farnesylation
18:10-18:25 |
Celien Lismont
A cell model to investigate peroxisome-derived hydrogen peroxide
18:25-18:40 |
Mihai Lomora
Engineering robust stimuli-responsive bio-mimetic polymer compartments
18:40-20:00 | Dinner
18:40-20:00 |
Time | Session/Lecture info |
09:30-11:25 | Session 6: Systematic approaches to understanding peroxisomes
09:30-09:55 |
Marc Fransen
Peroxisomes as sensors and regulators of cellular redox signaling
09:55-10:20 |
Sven Thoms
Functional translational readthrough
10:20-10:45 |
Sigrun Reumann
New insights into protein targeting mechanisms to plant peroxisomes
10:45-11:10 |
Einat Zalckvar
No peroxisome is an island - Identifying peroxisomes contact sites with other organelles
11:10-11:25 |
Fred Mast
ESCRT-III is required for the release of preperoxisomal vesicles from the ER
11:25-12:00 | Coffee break
11:25-12:00 | |
12:00-13:05 | Session 7: Peroxisomal diseases #1
12:00-12:25 |
Cornelia Palivan
Artificial peroxisomes: How nanoscience provides therapeutic solutions
12:25-12:50 |
Ruth Belostotsky
Mitochondrial mistargeting of a peroxisomal liver enzyme causes kidney stone disease: from evolution to treatment
12:50-13:05 |
Isabel Valença
Localization of MCT2 at peroxisomes is associated with malignant transformation in prostate cancer
13:05-14:30 | Lunch
13:05-14:30 | |
14:30-15:30 | Pannel Discussion for Students
Maya Schuldiner |
14:30-15:30 | |
15:30-16:15 | Session 8: Peroxisomal diseases #2
15:30-16:00 |
Johannes Berger
X-linked Adrenoleukodystrophy: From the Basic Research to Possible Therapeutic Strategies + OEPM advertisement
16:00-16:15 |
Ana Rita Ferreira
Hepatitis C virus NS3-4A inhibits the peroxisomal MAVS-dependent antiviral signaling response
16:15-16:30 | Best poster award and concluding remarks
16:15-16:30 | |
17:00-22:00 | Visit in Tel Aviv
(Dinner for invited speakers, free bus back and forth to those interested to spend an unforgettable evening in Tel-Aviv) |
17:00-22:00 |
Time | Session/Lecture info |
09:00-17:00 | Organized trips in Israel are optional
09:00-17:00 |