One to many - A System view of biology
December 9-11,2018
The David Lopatie Conference Center, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Time | Session/Lecture info |
08:45-09:15 | Gathering
09:15-11:30 | Session I
09:15-09:20 |
Opening remarks- Dan Davidi
09:20-10:00 |
Steve Henikoff, Seattle
Precision mapping of the dynamic chromatin landscape
10:00-10:15 |
Zohar Meir, Weizmann Institute of Science
Transcriptional, topological and cis-acting memory at single cell resolution
10:15-10:50 |
Yonatan Grad, Harvard
Integrating genomics and epidemiology to control antibiotic resistance
10:50-11:05 |
Leah Houri Zeevi, Tel Aviv University
Stress resets transgenerational small RNA responses
11:05-11:30 |
Coffee break
11:30-13:10 | Session II
11:30-12:05 |
Julia Vorholt, ETH
Establishing causality: Opportunities of synthetic communities for plant microbiome research
12:05-12:20 |
Gal Ofir, Weizmann Institute of Science
Thoeris - TIR domains as key players in bacterial anti-viral immunity
12:20-12:55 |
Graham Hatfull, U Pittsburgh
More evidence of collusion: phage-host collaboration in viral defense
12:55-13:10 |
Guy Schleyer, Weizmann Institute of Science
Tapping into the metabolic cross-talk between a bloom-forming alga and its virus using mass spectrometry imaging
13:10-15:00 | Lunch + Poster Session
15:00-16:40 | Session III
15:00-15:35 |
Dan Jarosz, Stanford
Mapping biochemical drivers of phenotypic change
15:35-15:50 |
Shdema Filler Hayut, Weizmann Institute of Science
"Break it till you make it": double strand break-induced somatic recombination in plants
15:50-16:25 |
Steve Jacobsen, UCLA
Control of gene expression through DNA methylation
16:25-16:40 |
Koby Nahmias, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Development of high throughput kinetics in micro-physiological organ on chip systems
16:40-18:00 | Hanukka candles, beer & sufganiot