Planetary Origins and Frontiers of Exploration, May 27 - June 3 - 2012, The David Lopatie Conference Center, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel
Dear colleagues,
We are excited to announce a workshop on Planetary Origins and Frontiers of Exploration to be held May 27 - June 3, 2012 at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel.
The theme was chosen to bring together experts in aspects of planetary formation, solar system evolution, and interpretation of exoplanetary discoveries. We plan to organize keynote talks around five topics: Solar system formation, Gas giants formation and interiors, Moons and icy objects as keystones, Exoplanets, and Extreme environments.
We plan afternoon trips to Tel Aviv and the Old City in Jerusalem, and a weekend field trip to the Dead Sea, Masada, Ramon Crater, with return to Tel Aviv area on June 3. The cultural, historic, geologic and geo-biological excursion promises to be stimulating.
We have identified keynote speakers and discussion leaders; our panels will include both junior and senior colleagues, and expected to include (so far) David Stevenson, Bob Pappalardo, Lindy Elkins Tanton, Kaveh Pahlevan, Jerry Schubert, Mark Wieczorek, Kevin Walsh, Athena Coustenis, Kevin Hand, Adam Showman, Heike Rauer, Doris Breuer, Yohai Kaspi, Itay Halevy, Ravit Helled, Frances Westall, Aharon Oren, Tsvi Mazeh, Re'em Sari, Julie Castillo, Tilman Spohn, and Oded Aharonson.
The format is inspired by Gordon Research Conferences, with full-length talks followed by substantial time for discussion. Please consider contributing a presentation on topics relatable to planetary origins, not necessarily from the list of five above.
Some funding is available to support local accommodation, food, and travel expenditures in Israel, the level will depend upon the total number of participants. Student participants may be considered for additional support. Please send an email with a request including justification, abstract, and CV.
If you plan to attend, please complete the registration form. If you wish to present a talk or a poster, please also include a short abstract.
We hope you can join us for this rare opportunity.
Oded Aharonson (WIS, Israel; Caltech, USA), Julie Castillo (JPL/Caltech, USA), and Tilman Spohn (DLR, Germany)