BSM in direct, indirect and tabletop experiments

In this workshop we attempt to expand our searches and deepen our understanding of dark matter particles as well as other light force mediators. We plan to do so both theoretically and via experimental effort. Direct dark matter searches should progress with the expected results from the upcoming XENON1T, LZ and super CDMS experiments, the future Darwin experiment and new ideas for light dark matter detection. Further insight is to be achieved at the precision frontier of atomic physics.  Special focus will be given to non-traditional experimental approaches and techniques.

In each week we will have discussions and talks led by experts from various experiments, particle theorists, dark matter physicists and cosmologists. In addition to that, in each week we will have leaders from the other week's theme, giving a cross talk to describe recent developments in their respective field.

In the meeting several fundamental questions regarding the nature of our microscopic and macroscopic universe will be examined. Questions related to the huge hierarchies between mass scales, the origin of flavour structure and the origin of dark matter as well as new novel experimental approaches to tackle these questions will be discussed in accordance with the COST action CA15108 core objective, "Connecting insights in fundamental physics".

This event is supported and co-organized by the COST action CA15108

i-core. Israeli Centers for Research Excellence, The Quantum Universe

Supported by the I-CORE Program of the Planning and Budgeting Committee and The Israel Science Foundation (grant No. 1937/12)


  • Ranny Budnik
    Weizmann institute of Science
  • Claudia Frugiuele
    Weizmann institute of Science
  • Elina Fuchs
    Weizmann institute of Science
  • Yonit Hochberg
    Hebrew University
  • Roee Ozeri
    Weizmann institute of Science
  • Gilad Perez
    Weizmann institute of Science
  • Matthias Schlaffer
    Weizmann institute of Science
  • Tomer Volansky
    Tel Aviv University