The Best Poster Awards recognize the top two posters presented at the conference. There is a special emphasis on acknowledging the contributions of early-career researchers, including PhD candidates and Postdocs.
A panel of judges will select the best poster from all the poster sessions.
The poster winners will be publicly recognized at the conclusion of the conference. Each winner will receive a certificate and a prize, each valued at 1000 Euros.
The poster prize is sponsored by SEQURNA - a company providing synthetic thermostable RNase inhibitors.

The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, June 17, 2024.
In order to start preparing your abstract, click here to access the abstract template
Please submit your abstract only when its content and authorship are final (revisions will not be accepted).
Abstracts must be submitted in a PDF format.
Submitted abstracts will undergo scientific review by the Organising Committee. Accepted abstracts will be scheduled as a poster or oral presentation.
Abstracts will remain confidential and will not be made available online or published outside of the SCG2024 meeting
Submit an abstract only if you received confirmation of your registration. Unregistered abstracts will be rejected without consideration.
Withdrawal of abstracts can only be accepted if notified in writing and subsequently confirmed by the SCG 2024 Secretariat.
For all enquiries regarding abstracts, please contact the SCG 2024 organisation
Abstracts Deadlines
Abstract submission deadline: Monday, June 17
Notification on acceptance/rejection: Monday, July 15