- Ido Amit (WIS)
- Samuel Aparicio (BC Cancer Agency)
- Detlev Arendt (EMBL)
- Naama Barkai (WIS)
- Christophe Benoist (Harvard)
- Long Cai (Caltech)
- Carlos Caldas (University of Cambridge)
- Thomas Hofer (DKFZ)
- Gary Hon (UT Southwestern)
- Shalev Itzkovitz (WIS)
- Jan Philipp Junker (Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology)
- Allon Klein (Harvard)
- Sten Linnarsson (Karolinska Institute)
- John Marioni (Sanger/Cambridge)
- Dana Pe'er (SKI/MSKCC)
- Steve Quake (Stanford)
- Nikolaus Rajewsky (Max Delbrück)
- Aviv Regev (Broad Institute and MIT)
- Rickard Sandberg (Karolinska Institute)
- Lars Steinmetz (EMBL)
- Amos Tanay (WIS)
- Savas Tay (University of Chicago)
- Cole Trapnell (UW)
- Alexander van Oudenaarden (Hubrecht)
- Xiaowei Zhuang (Harvard)
The meeting is fully booked.
Deadline for abstract submission:
July 15th, 2017
Organizing committee

The Chorafas Institute for Scientific Exchange
The Nikken Sohonsha Corp.