Excellence and Innovation in Chemistry Teaching and Learning
General guidelines
Proposal submissions for ECRICE 2020 must be made online using the proposal submission website and the conference Template.
To submit your abstract please go to registration link
To download abstract template Click here
Your submission needs to adhere to the following guidelines.
The International Scientific Committee invites both empirical and theoretical proposals for symposia, paper presentations, interactive posters, ICT and Lab demonstrations, and workshops. Proposals must be submitted to one of the strands (link to the strands).
The official language of the conference is English.
For each submission you will need to prepare an abstract up to a maximum of 1 page including a title, 3 keywords, references, tables and figures. The abstract should be written according to the provided template.
General guidelines for the abstract
Abstract should include the topic, problem, significance of the study, the objective and the methods used in the research, results and a short discussion, and conclusion. The main text should be typed by using 11 point Times New Roman font with a single space. References should be placed at the end of the main text with a blank line before the reference.
The length must be up to one full page including figures and tables. The resolution of digital photographs should be at least 150dpi. Figure captions should be placed below the figures and table captions above the tables. The reference should be designed as (Authors, year) when referring to them in the text.
Conference Session Formats
There are four types of proposal submissions possible for this conference.
- Single Oral Presentation
- Symposium
- Interactive Poster Presentation
- ICT or Lab Demonstrations and Workshops
Both empirical and theoretical proposals for symposium, lecture, and poster presentations are welcome. Each presentation and each symposium needs to be classified to one of the stands.
Single Oral Presentation
This presentation format allows for 15 minutes of individual presentation time followed by a discussion moderated by the session chairperson. Lectures will be grouped by strand.
Each symposium will be organized by a Chairperson and will contain four (4) presentations concerning a common topic of interest as well as one symposium discussant. The symposium contributors must be from Institutions of at least three (3) countries. There will be one chairperson identified for each symposium and this will typically be the symposium organizer. The symposium chairperson may be one of the presenting authors or a separate individual. The symposium chairperson / organiser is in charge of submitting the symposium title and abstract for the whole symposium, as well as providing the name and contact details of a discussant. S/he will also submit the abstract of the four individual presentations making up the symposium, using the ECRICE 2020 template for each submission.
Interactive Poster Presentation
Dedicated poster sessions will be scheduled in the conference programme. Each poster presentation will include a graphic presentation of a research study on visual display of size 90m x 120cm in “portrait” format. A short oral presentation of 3 minutes for each poster is given to an audience gathered as a group. After the authors’ brief presentation, an in-depth discussion between them and the audience follows in the area of the poster displays. The poster sessions offer researchers the opportunity to present their work in a visual format and are conducive to richer interaction and discussion.
The three best posters will be awarded by 500$ prize each.
For each interactive poster presentation, you will need to submit an abstract according to the template.
ICT and Lab Demonstrations and Workshops
ICT and Laboratory demonstrations and workshops enable presenters to display, explain and familiarize users with an innovative approach, a teaching or research tool, an teaching-learning sequence or some other aspect of research or teaching practice using technology and laboratory. The Workshop may include a brief presentation of completed research, especially case study or evaluation, but the emphasis is on demonstrating an innovation or a tool, or a laboratory experiment not to present the research for criticism. Learning-by-doing occupies most of the session, and any presentations are brief. Adequate time for reflective discussion is important. The audience will have opportunity at the end to offer their viewpoints and share their experiences with other tools or innovations intended for the same purpose. For each ICT and Lab an abstract according to the template should be submitted.
To submit your abstract please go to registration link
- 04.07.2020
Deadline for webinar registration
Prof. Ron Blonder
Dr. Shelley Rap
The Chorafas Institute for Scientific Exchange
The Charlotte and Jacques Wolf Conference Fund
Coordinator & Accessibility Issues
Talia Suissa