
FRISNO-17 will maintain the tradition of selecting most of the oral presentations from amongst the abstract submissions, ensuring a constant renewal of speakers and opportunities to young scientists. Based on previous experience, the informal atmosphere generates very successful poster sessions, and all participants are encouraged to submit more than one abstract, so that part of their work may be presented in a poster session. The final program will be announced well in advance of the meeting itself.

Abstracts should not exceed the 1-page limit, and should be submitted to frisno@weizmann.ac.il

Please use the following template for your abstracts.

Not later than the deadline of November 10th, 2024.



Abstract submission is now over, but postdeadline poster presentations can still be accepted

Organizing committee

  • Robert Kuszelewicz,
    Institut de la Vision, Paris
  • Benoit Boulanger,
    Institut Neel, Grenoble
  • Dan Oron,
    Weizmann Institute
  • Yehiam Prior,
    Weizmann Institute


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