Internet and Computing

Internet Access

In order to connect your laptop to the Internet you can select one of three wifi networks:

  1. wis_hotspot

    This will give you access to the internet, no password needed, but you will be behind the wis firewall. This will give you the option to print after installing the printer.
    Printer name: ITP-COLOR

  2. wis_external

    This will give you access to the internet, authentication is required, and you will be completely exposed and unprotected by the wis firewall.
    In order to use option #2 ask the workshop coordinator for guest credentials.



There is a printer at your disposal in the SRTP printing room XXX. Printing is available upon connection to the wis_hotspot after installing the printer.

Printer name: ITP-COLOR

How to install the ITP-COLOR Printer on your PC

How to install the ITP-COLOR Printer on your MAC

For assistance contact:

Amir Bar-On:

Office: 4272

Local Organizer

Eilam Gross
Weizmann Institute of Science

Scientific Organising Committee

  • Peter Battaglia
    Google Deep Mind
  • Kyle Cranmer
    NYU & University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Tobias Golling
    Université de Genève
  • Danilo Jimenez Rezende
    Google Deep Mind
  • Sven Krippendorf
    LMU, Munich
  • Maurizio Pierini
  • Tilman Plehn
    University of Heidelberg
  • David Rousseau
  • Gary Shiu
    University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Slava Voloshynovkiy
  • Université de Genève
  • Tamir Hazan
  • Technion