Magnetic Resonance is arguably the most versatile method available for investigating matter, reporting with atomic detail the abundance and composition of matter in solids, liquids and gases by NMR, and noninvasively probing living organisms by MRI. Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) also provides unique information on the structure and dynamics of radicals in numerous settings. At the core of Magnetic Resonance lie some of the most beautiful examples of quantum control ever devised, while progress in engineering and data analyses have also played major roles in the field. The Israeli and French scientific communities are among the pioneers and leaders in many of these aspects, with original developments in the development of new methods, the design and construction of hardware and software, and applications ranging from physics to chemistry, biophysics, biology and medicine. Many of these developments stem from mutual collaborations and exchanges between scientists of the two communities. To give an outlet to these burgeoning scientific interactions we have put together what we trust will be the first of many Israeli-French symposia in Magnetic Resonance. Invited speakers consist mainly of young PIs from Israel and France, who will share their views and most recent advances. The meeting will be held in the Lopatie amphitheater of the Weizmann Institute, and we encourage students from all universities and higher learning institutions to attend –advanced undergraduates included. No attendance fees will be charged, although registration is mandatory and will be screened. All scientists are encouraged to interact through joint poster sessions, discussions and social events: our ultimate aim is to foster interactions between a new generation of Magnetic Resonance experts in Israel and France, extending into the 21st century.
The program of the meeting include invited speakers as well as talks promoted from abstract contributions. As you register, please consider submitting an abstract on your research (in the Registration page) for a poster presentation
We are grateful to the French CNRS, to the Israel Ministry of Science, to Weizmann’s Kimmel and Clore Institutes, and to the Weizmann’s Institute Conferences and Schools Program, for making this Symposium possible.