Mario Fleck is Rio Bravo's CEO since January 2009, after working for four years as the managing partner heading of the Public Equities group. In that position, Mario helped launch Rio Bravo Fundamental, a value and activism fund.
Mario came to Rio Bravo after 28 years at Accenture, 14 of which as the Country Managing Partner for the Brazilian unit. He joined Accenture in 1975 and made partner in 1986.
Mario is currently a consulting board member of Levorin and GR Group. He has also served on the boards of Eternit, Direct Talk, Nossa Caixa, Ferbasa, Cremer, Bematech and Unipar.
Mario Fleck collaborates with several non-profit organizations, such as Parceiros da Educação, through which the private sector tries to improve the quality of public education. He has also served on the boards of the Brazilian Symphony Orchestra and The Committee for Democracy in Information Technology (CDI). Mario has presided over AME Campos, a community organization in the city of Campos do Jordão, and was president of the board of directors of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas's Business School.
As an active member of the Jewish community, Mario is vice president of the Brazil-Israel Chamber of Commerce. He was also president of the Jewish Federation of the State of São Paulo from 2011 to 2015 where he was responsible for community security, political articulation and institutional relations as well as empowering and preserving the jewish roots. At AJC (American Jewish Committee), Mario is the Chair of the Belfer Institute for Latinos and Latin America.
He is also a member of the Executive Board of the Weizmann Institute of Science, in Israel. He lends his leadership, expertise, and financial support to the Weizmann Institute and acts as an ambassador to promote the interest of the Institute throughout the globe.
Mario Fleck has a bachelor's degree in mechanical and industrial engineering from the Catholic University in Rio de Janeiro.