Invited Speakers

Prof. Facundo Batista
B lymphocytes form an integral part of the immune system via the production of specific antibodies and by establishing immunological memory.
In the Lymphocyte Interaction Laboratory, we strive for a comprehensive understanding of the cellular and molecular events leading to B cell activation as well as elucidating how they differentiate into memory or antibody-producing cells. We address this by combining the power of genetics with biochemistry and advanced imaging technology. For instance, by tracking single particles of BCR we have previously shown that BCR diffusion is restricted by an ezrin-defined actin network, and that this restriction regulates receptor signalling. We have since explored this novel concept of signalling regulation in greater detail by implementing super-resolution microscopy methods.
As well as studying lymphocyte interactions at the micro- and nano-scale, we actively pursue the understanding of how, where and when B cells are activated in vivo. We have recently focused special attention on the importance of lymph node architecture: specifically, investigating B cell activation in a model of double infection. We have seen that the changes that occur in the structure of the inflammatory lymph node have a dramatic effect on the ability of B cells to respond to pathogens and suggest a potential mechanism for increased susceptibility to secondary infections.
Up-to-the-minute unpublished data from the group will be presented, adding to a body of work that shows how a clear understanding of lymphocyte interactions and signalling has wide-ranging implications for the study of cancer and infectious disease.

Prof. Alberto Mantovani
Macrophages are key orchestrators of chronic inflammation. They respond to microenvironmental signals with polarized genetic and functional programmes. M1 macrophages which are classically activated by microbial products and interferon-γ are potent effector cells which kill microorganisms and tumours . In contrast, M2 cells, tune inflammation and adaptive immunity; promote cell proliferation by producing growth factors and products of the arginase pathway (ornithine and polyamines); scavenge debris by expressing scavenger receptors; promote angiogenesis, tissue remodeling and repair. M1 and M2 cells represent simplified extremes of a continuum of functional states. Available information suggests that TAM are a prototypic M2 population. M2 polarization of phagocytes sets these cells in a tissue remodeling and repair mode and orchestrate the smouldering and polarized chronic inflammation associated to established neoplasia. Intrinsic metabolic features and orchestration of metabolism are key components of macrophage polarization and function. Recent studies have begun to address the central issue of the relationship between genetic events causing cancer and activation of protumour, smouldering, non-resolving tumour-promoting inflammation. New vistas have emerged on molecules associated with M2 or M2-like polarization and its orchestration in cancer. Recently, proof-of-principle has been obtained that targeting TAM can be beneficial in human cancer.

Dr. Orly Avni

Prof. Yinon Ben-Neriah

Dr. Roi Gazit
Immune cells are continuously exchanged throughout healthy life, and even more so during disease. Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) are able to give rise to all types of blood and immune cells, they also enable bone-marrow transplant that is leading stem-cell's clinical usage. Surprisingly, relatively little is known about HSCs during acute infection. In addition, obtaining of compatible primary HSCs is still limiting the treatment of patients. We have generated and analyzed an extensive set of expression-profiles covering most of the murine hematopoietic system, to identify HSC-specific genes. Following previous success of reprogramming, we cloned few dozens of HSC transcription-factors. Transient overexpression of these factors in committed progenitors endowed them with extended self-renewal and multipotency. We have further identified 6 "core-factors" that can reprogram adult mouse blood cells back into transplantable "induced-HSCs". This novel direct reprograming of adult cells into adult stem-cells is being translated into human, and already provides new insights into HSC's regulation during normal and malignant states. In parallel, we have generated an HSC reporter mouse by targeting a fluorescent protein into the Fgd5 locus. The Fgd5-mCherry proved highly specific, enabling identification and isolation of functional HSCs solely by this endogenous reporter. While previous studies have reported a paradox of reduced transplantation-activity of the bone-marrow upon immune-stimulation with an increase of immune-phenotype HSCs, we do observe a clear reduction of the frequencies, and total numbers, of Fgd5-mCherry+ HSCs upon either pIC or LPS stimulation. Understanding the dynamics of activated stem-cells will shed new light on the progressive immune system in action.

Dr. Ofir Hakim
Direct association of transcription factors with the genome orchestrates its 3D organization in differentiation and response.
Gene expression networks that determine cell-specific identity and responses are highly organized within the nuclear space. Yet, the molecular basis of this organization and the causal link between its structure and function are poorly understood. We uncovered a profound shift from promiscuous to highly selective genome organization that accompanies the effector lineage choice of differentiating T cells. Importantly, the chromosomal contacts of the specialized cell are retained and strengthened precisely at DNA binding sites of specific lineage-determining transcription factors (TFs), suggesting a critical role for spatial aggregation of binding loci of these TFs in specification of higher-order nuclear architecture. The genome-wide contacts of a lineage-specific cytokine locus are preferentially enriched for functionally relevant genes. Intriguingly, these genes, show complex regulation profiles in response to external cues in relatively static subnuclear environments. Thus, once established, such subnuclear environments may support a variety of orchestrated series of regulatory actions which are central for the correct physiological response of the specialized T cells.

Prof. Nathan Karin
Many studies, including those coming from our lab, have shown that only a limited number of chemokines are key drivers of inflammation, among them the CXCR3 ligands CXCL9 and CXCL10, but not CXCL11. Twelve years ago we showed that CXCL10 is a key driver of inflammatory autoimmunity since aside of attracting effector T cells to site of inflammation, it also drive the polarization of non-polarized CD4+ T cells into effector Th1 cells. Surprisingly transgenic mice lacking CXCR3 display an aggravated manifestation of different autoimmune disease. We now show that while CXCL9 and CXCL10 induce effector Th1/Th17 cells to promote inflammation CXCL11, with a relatively higher binding affinity to CXCR3 induces FOXP3-negative IL-10high Tregs resembling Tr1 cells. This may explain, in part, why mice lacking CXCR3 display aggravated form of autoimmunity. We also show that CXCL9/CXCL10 transmit a different signaling cascade than CXCL11 via the same CXCR3 receptor, which results in these diverse biological activities. To explore the therapeutic implications of this study we generate a CXCL11-Ig fusion protein that when administered during relapsing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis not only suppressed the first episode, but also prevented the subsequent relapse. Tr1-like cells isolated from treated donors could transfer disease suppression. Genetic analyses reviled that even thought these cells are similar to “classical” Tr1 cells they display a novel gene-signature.
We are now using FOXp3-GFP reporter mice to identify a reciprocal chemokine that potentiates FOXp3+ T cells and explore its possible use for therapy of inflammatory autoimmunity and graft Vs host diseases (GVHD).
These data, together with our pervious observations showing that during an ongoing inflammatory process CXCL12 polarizes IL-10high Tr1 cells (Meiron et al, JEM 2008) provide a new perspective on our understanding of the biological properties of chemokines and suggests novel therapeutic strategies to combat autoimmunity and GVHD.

Prof. Ofer Mandelboim

Dr. Yifat Merbl
Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-like (Ubl) modifications has emerged as a major regulatory mechanism in a variety of fundamental cellular processes, such as signal transduction, cell division and differentiation. E3 ligases like TRAF, ITCH, A20 and GRAIL have been implicated in immune regulation such as the development of lymphocytes, antigen presentation, immune evasion, as well as autoimmunity. Aberrations in the function of these E3s are associated with immune system pathologies, yet we still lack understanding of their dynamics and regulation in the cell.
Recently we developed a PTM profiling approach which allows large-scale detection of protein modifications in mammalian systems. This system offers a novel opportunity to detect changes in PTM patterns in response to specific signal, in disease and across cell types. Further, it offers a new molecular dimension by which the plasticity of immune regulation may be investigated.

Dr. Vered Padler-Karavani
Immune cells are continuously exchanged throughout healthy life, and even more so during disease. Hematopoietic Stem Cells (HSCs) are able to give rise to all types of blood and immune cells, they also enable bone-marrow transplant that is leading stem-cell's clinical usage. Surprisingly, relatively little is known about HSCs during acute infection. In addition, obtaining of compatible primary HSCs is still limiting the treatment of patients. We have generated and analyzed an extensive set of expression-profiles covering most of the murine hematopoietic system, to identify HSC-specific genes. Following previous success of reprogramming, we cloned few dozens of HSC transcription-factors. Transient overexpression of these factors in committed progenitors endowed them with extended self-renewal and multipotency. We have further identified 6 "core-factors" that can reprogram adult mouse blood cells back into transplantable "induced-HSCs". This novel direct reprograming of adult cells into adult stem-cells is being translated into human, and already provides new insights into HSC's regulation during normal and malignant states. In parallel, we have generated an HSC reporter mouse by targeting a fluorescent protein into the Fgd5 locus. The Fgd5-mCherry proved highly specific, enabling identification and isolation of functional HSCs solely by this endogenous reporter. While previous studies have reported a paradox of reduced transplantation-activity of the bone-marrow upon immune-stimulation with an increase of immune-phenotype HSCs, we do observe a clear reduction of the frequencies, and total numbers, of Fgd5-mCherry+ HSCs upon either pIC or LPS stimulation. Understanding the dynamics of activated stem-cells will shed new light on the progressive immune system in action.

Prof. Angel Porgador

Dr. Ziv Shulman
Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, The Rockefeller University; New York, New York 10065; USA.
Development of efficient antibodies take place in germinal centers (GCs) by B cell clonal expansion, gene diversification by somatic hypermutation, and selection of the best B cell clones. Interaction between B cells and T follicular helper cells (Tfh) is critical to the selection process but the nature of this process is not well defined. We used intravital two-photon laser-scanning microscopy to image T-B interactions during positive B cell selection in GCs and found that it is mediated by transient interactions involving a large contact surface between the two cell types. Unlike the initial activation of naïve T cells in the T zone, these selective interactions in GCs slowed but did not arrest Tfh cell migration despite sustained increases in Ca2+ content. Instead, Tfh cells remained motile and continually scan the surface of B cells in the GC making short-lived contacts that elicit selection by further repeated transient elevations of intracellular Ca2+. Furthermore, sustained increase in Ca2+ content was associated with Tfh cell co-expression of the Ca2+ dependent cytokines, interleukin-4 and -21, both essential for B cells selection in GCs. We conclude that the transient interactional dynamics allow T cells to continuously seek and find B cells with efficient antibodies and provide them with preferential help, while still permitting competing B cells to mutate and develop.