Young scientists travel support
1. Young scientist travel support of up to $1000 US will be made available to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers to attend ICSG2015. A total of 5 International Structural Genomics Organization (ISGO) - NIH Protein Structure Initiative (PSI) Student Travel Fellowships have kindly been provided by the ISGO and the NIH PSI. Applications for young scientist travel fellowships should be made by supplying the following documents:
- An abstract;
- A brief CV;
- A cover letter explaining why the applicant should be considered for a fellowship;
- A supporting letter from the applicant's academic supervisor, including confirmation of student or post doctoral status.
The deadline for application is March 31, 2015, and applications should
be emailed to
2. Fellowships of €500 for students from Instruct countries* will be awarded to attend the pre-conference workshop “Technical and Analytical Approaches to the Translation of Deep Sequencing Data into Three-Dimensions” (7-June-2014 09:00-12:00) and to stay on and participate in the full conference. A total of 8 Fellowships have kindly been provided by Instruct ( Applications for these fellowships should be made by supplying the following documents:
- An abstract;
- A brief CV;
- A cover letter explaining why the applicant should be considered for a fellowship;
- A supporting letter from the applicant's academic supervisor, including confirmation of student or post doctoral status.
*List of Instruct countries can be seen at:
The deadline for application is March 31, 2015, and applications should
be emailed to