Time | Session/Lecture info |
08:00-08:40 | Registration & Coffee
08:40-09:10 | Opening Ceremony
09:10-10:20 | Keynote lecture
Moderator: Ron Blonder & Shelley Rap Kimmel |
09:10-09:45 |
Vanessa Kind, Durham University
Teachers collaborative orientations for laboratory work in science: Implications for students learning outcomes pre- and post-change in assessment methods
09:45-10:20 |
Pawel Bernard, Jagiellonian University
Enhancing Chemical Education with 3D Printing
10:20-10:45 | Coffee break
10:45-12:15 | Oral Presentation 1 Strand 13
Moderator: Shelley Rap Kimmel |
10:45-11:05 |
Dominik Diekemper, Eberhard Karls Universitaet Tuebingen
Chemistry's Contribution to Sustainable Lighting: Microwave Synthesis of a LED Phosphor for School Students
11:05-11:25 |
Roee Peretz, Technion
Fostering Systems Thinking and Modeling Skills
11:25-11:45 |
Ozcan Gulacar, University of California, Davis
Investigating the Effects of Socio-Scientific Discussions on General Chemistry Students? Perception of Science Relevancy and Career Aspirations
11:45-12:05 |
Shelley Rap, Weizmann Institute of Science
Can a data-driven pedagogy contribute to the development of student agency?
12:05-12:15 |
10:45-12:15 | Oral Presentation 2 Strand 9
Moderator: Anja Lembens Schmidt Lecture Hall |
10:45-11:05 |
Simone Abels, Leuphana University
Subject-related interactions of students in chemistry lessons during distillation
11:05-11:25 |
Isabel Ribau Coutinho, Nova Lisbon University
Teaching and Learning Chemistry with a laboratory stations model in a flipped classroom
11:25-11:45 |
Lilith Ruschenpohler, Ludwigsburg University of Education
How chemistry capital at home contributes to chemistry self-concept, learning goal orientations and the perception of language
11:45-12:05 |
Anja Lembens, Austrian Educational Competence Centre Chemistry, University of Vienna
Developing and analysing linguistically responsive tasks within the framework of the cross-disciplinary project sensiMINT
12:05-12:15 |
10:45-12:15 | Workshop
Presidential Reception Room, The David Lopatie Conference Centre |
10:45-12:15 |
Karoline Faegri, Svein Tveit, University of Oslo
Challenges and Opportunities Related to Chemical Safety in Schools
12:15-13:45 | Oral Presentation 3 Strand 8
Moderator: Inbal Tuvi-Arad Kimmel |
12:15-12:35 |
Dana Sachyani, Kibbutzim college of education
Interactive proteins - Teaching biochemistry using authentic tools
12:35-12:55 |
Sam von Gillern, University of Missouri
Gamified Organic Chemistry: Student Learning and Perceptions
12:55-13:15 |
Raed Shorrosh, Weizmann Institute of Science
Automated formative assessment in chemistry education: much more than multiple-choice questions
13:15-13:35 |
Inbal Tuvi-Arad, The Open University of Israel
Advancing Chemistry Education with Open Molecular Databases
13:35-13:45 |
12:15-13:45 | Oral Presentation 4 Strand 4
Moderator: Boaz Hadas Schmidt Lecture Hall |
12:15-12:35 |
Corinna Monch, Ludwigsburg University of Education
Systematization of German Chemistry Teachers? Pedagogical Scientific Language Knowledge
12:35-12:55 |
Boaz Hadas, Technion
Mapping Chemistry Teachers? Knowledge Types by Analyzing Online Tasks They Developed
12:55-13:15 |
Ruth Waldman, Weizmann Institute of Science
A unique mechanism activated by social media that supports the growth of chemistry teachers' professional knowledge
13:15-13:35 |
Anat Shauly, Technion
Support for chemistry teachers in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in routine and during the COVID-19 Crisis
13:35-13:45 |
12:15-13:45 | Workshop
Presidential Reception Room, The David Lopatie Conference Centre |
12:15-13:45 |
Inbar Haimovich, Weizmann Institute of Science
Virtual Chemical Escape Room: "The Masked Scientist
13:45-15:15 | Lunch & poster session
Moderator: Debora Marchak |
15:15-16:25 | Keynote Lecture
Moderator: Rachel Mamlok-Naaman Kimmel |
15:15-15:50 |
Iztok Devetak, University of Ljubljana
The Context of Science Fiction in the Pre-service Teachers? Science Education
15:50-16:25 |
Karolina Broman, Umea university
Virtual Reality - visualization of chemical structures to enhance student interest and learning
16:25-17:00 | Coffee break
17:00-18:30 | Oral Presentation Strand 1+4
Moderator: Martin Rusek Kimmel |
17:00-17:20 |
Carolin Flerlage, IPN - Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education
How can Digital Educational Content be adapted to the user? Differences between STEM and non-STEM students
17:20-17:40 |
Martin Rusek, Charles University
Freshman university students? chemistry calculations skills: The effect of and students? major, task or calculation type
17:40-18:00 |
Emrah Ozyurek, Durham University
Images Of Virtuosity In Science Teaching And Developing Virtuoso Science Teachers: A Comparative Case Study Of Understanding Excellence In Teaching Practice
18:00-18:10 |
17:00-18:30 | Workshop
The Department of Science Teaching |
17:00-18:30 |
Lab 1 Malka Yayon, Weizmann Institute of Science
Do-It-Yourself Chemical Escape Rooms: Following Green Energy and the Periodic Table of Elements
17:00-18:30 |
Lab 3 Debora Marchak, Weizmann Institute of Science
A Neuropedagogy-based, Arts-integrating Approach to Teaching Chemistry
17:00-18:30 |
Lab 2 Ella Yonai, Weizmann Institute of Science
A window into contemporary science research: A hands-on workshop with a scanning electron microscope to explore biomineralization
19:15-22:15 | Welcome reception
Deadline for abstract submission
January 10th. 2022
End of review process and notification of acceptance
January 31, 2022
The Chorafas Institute for Scientific Exchange
The Charlotte and Jacques Wolf Conference Fund
Talia Suissa