AIBR 2017 Program
Print Full programTime | Session/Lecture info |
08:30-11:05 | Opening Session
Michal Neeman |
08:30-08:55 |
Registration & coffee
08:55-09:00 |
Opening Remarks
09:00-09:35 |
Robert Gillies, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute
Habitats in cancer
09:35-10:10 |
Karl Kadler, University of Manchester
A study of tendon development using serial block face-scanning electron microscopy
10:10-10:45 |
Iddo Pinkas, Weizmann Institute of Science
Bacteriochlorophylls as Near Infrared Photo-Switches for Oxygen Radical Formation
10:45-11:05 |
Coffee Break
11:05-14:00 | Session 1
Slava Kalchenko |
11:05-11:40 |
Pablo Blinder, Tel Aviv University
Multimodal imaging of the neurovascular unit, from structure to function across different spatial scales
11:40-12:15 |
Katrina Wolf, Radboud University
Multiphoton microcospy for visualization of tumor progression and therapy response
12:15-12:30 |
Filip Bochner, Weizmann Institute of Science
Novel intravital imaging window for longitudinal microscopy of tumor stroma in ovarian cancer
12:30-12:45 |
Vishnu Mohan, Weizmann Institute of Science
A window of opportunity to decipher pancreatic cancer microenvironment using high resolution imaging techniques
12:45-14:00 |
Lunch& Poster Session
14:00-16:20 | Session 2
Amnon Bar-Shir |
14:00-14:35 |
Silvio Aime, University of Torino
Multi-parametric MRI studies of murine tumour models
14:35-15:10 |
Elena Dubikovskaya, Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne
Novel optical tools for imaging of metabolic fluxes and protease activity in vivo
15:10-15:45 |
Rachela Popovtzer, Bar-Ilan University
Nanoparticles for In-vivo Cell Tracking: Achievements, Challenges and Future
15:45-16:00 |
Darya Tsvirkun, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Size-Dependent Targeted GNPs as CT Contrast Agents for Molecular Imaging of Cancer
16:00-16:20 |
Coffee Break
16:20-17:10 | Session 3
Sefi Addadi |
16:20-16:35 |
Rami Shnaiderman , Technical university of Munich
Intravital hybrid optical-optoacoustic microscopy
16:35-16:50 |
Ruth Goldschmidt, Weizmann Institute of Science
Real Time Laser Speckle Imaging Monitoring Vascular Targeted Photodynamic Therapy
16:50-17:05 |
Andres Goldman, Weizmann Institute of Science
Mtch2 regulates mitochondrial morphology through mitofusin 1